The university built a 500-seat auditorium with the audio-visual equipment meets the specifications of DC1 (Digital Cinema Initiatives). It equips with the Dolby 7.1-channel audio that is at the same level as in a professional cinema. The university is the first privately owned institute facilitates such a high level auditorium for students to present their design and work, host film festival, and other leisure and recreational activities.
The design of the newly built library incorporated with the elements of maritime. The design of reading area in the new library was in boat-shape and pieces were connected with rivet-like style. There is a 24-hour reading area decorated with a round shape of starry sky scenery'. The library* also includes an audio-video creative learning area, interactive recreational area, and an animation area. The 3-D LCD TV sets and blue ray players were provided in the audio-video creative learning area. Audio-video equipment was facilitated in the interactive recreational area that provides different images to help student’s learning and meet their needs. The intent of the designs was to encourage students to visit library as frequently as possible. The collection of books includes a large of number books in the field of maritime.